Where and how to get gcc/g++

This document explains where and how to obtain the GNU C++ compiler. At the time of the writing of this file, the latest version of the compiler is gcc-2.6.3. You should probably get a newer version if that is available when you search the FTP site.

You can ftp the GNU compiler from 'wuarchive.wustl.edu' among other places. Log in as anonymous and type your email address as the password. Change directory to '/systems/gnu' and ftp the file '/gcc-2.6.3.tar.gz'. Make sure that FTP is in binary mode by typing 'binary' before getting the file. The file is compressed with the GNU compression tool, 'gzip'. If you don't have that, you can also get it from the same directory. The name of the file is 'gzip-1.2.4.tar'. Another FTP site is: prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu

** Alternative Internet FTP Sources

Please do NOT use a site outside your country, until you have checked all sites inside your country, and then your continent. Trans-ocean TCP/IP links are very expensive and usually very low speed.

Emacs and other GNU programs may be available via anonymous ftp from these US sites: ftp.kpc.com:/pub/mirror/gnu (Silicon Valley, CA) ftp.hawaii.edu:/mirrors/gnu, f.ms.uky.edu:/pub3/gnu, ftp.digex.net:/pub/gnu (Internet address, nightly full mirror, ran by mcguire@digex.net), wuarchive.wustl.edu:/systems/gnu, col.hp.com:/mirrors/gnu, ftp.cs.columbia.edu:/archives/gnu/prep, vixen.cso.uiuc.edu:/gnu, mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu:/pub/gnu, jaguar.utah.edu:/gnustuff, gatekeeper.dec.com:/pub/GNU, labrea.stanford.edu, archive.cis.ohio-state.edu, and ftp.uu.net:/archive/systems/gnu.

And these non-US sites: ftp.cs.ubc.ca:/mirror2/gnu (Western Canada, daily full mirror, ran by ftp-admin@cs.ubc.ca), ftp.inf.utfsm.cl:/pub/gnu (Chile nightly full mirror, ran by ftp@inf.utfsm.cl), ftp.unicamp.br:/pub/gnu (Brazil manual mirror, ran by oliva@dcc.unicamp.br), archie.au:/gnu (Australia (archie.oz or archie.oz.au for ACSnet)), ftp.technion.ac.il:/pub/unsupported/gnu (Israel, daily full mirror, ran by ftp-admin), ftp.sun.ac.za:/pub/gnu (South Africa), ftp.mcc.ac.uk:/pub/gnu ( daily full mirror, ran by root@ftp.mcc.ac.uk), unix.hensa.ac.uk:/mirrors/uunet/systems/gnu, ftp.warwick.ac.uk ( daily full mirror, ran by unixhelp@warwick.ac.uk), ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de, ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de or germany.eu.net (mirror ran by archive-admin@germany.eu.net) (Germany), isy.liu.se (Sweden), ftp.stacken.kth.se or ftp.luth.se:/pub/unix/gnu (Sweden), ftp.sunet.se:/pub/gnu (Sweden daily mirror, ran by archive@ftp.sunet.se (also mirrors the Mailing List Archives) hp4nl.nluug.nl (Netherlands), ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/gnu (Netherlands daily mirror, ran by ftp@win.tue.nl), ftp.funet.fi:/pub/gnu (Finland, ran by gnu-adm), ftp.denet.dk (Denmark), ugle.unit.no (Norway, ftp.eunet.ch or nic.switch.ch:/mirror/gnu (Switzerland), irisa.irisa.fr:/pub/gnu or ftp.univ-lyon1.fr:pub/gnu (ran by ftpmaint@ftp.univ-lyon1.fr) (France), ftp.ieunet.ie:pub/gnu (Ireland weekly mirror, ran by archive@ieunet.ie), archive.eu.net (Europe, cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr:/pub/gnu (Korea, ran by ftpkeeper@cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr), ftp.nectec.or.th:/pub/mirrors/gnu (Thailand daily mirror, ran by ftp@nwg.nectec.or.th), utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp:/ftpsync/prep or ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp (Japan, nemacs, the japanese port of GNU Emacs, is under ~ftp/JAPAN).

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